Insightful analysis on Africa’s structural exploitation

Responses to Samir Amin's ‘Dead Aid’: A critical reading’

Lisa Vives, Joan Nimarkoh and Vikas Nath respond to Samir Amin's critique of Dambisa Moyo's 'Dead Aid'.

Dead Aid became a New York Times bestseller in April 2009. How helpful this piece would have been a year ago to enable readers and viewers to critique Dambisa's work through this lens. At this date, Amin's analysis will be read by a few scholars with time on their hands. I only hope its publication now was not to dodge examination and debate over its thesis.
- Lisa Vives, Global Information Network

Another insightful analysis by Amin on Africa's structural exploitation by Western capital. Is an alliance with China the only way forward? Or can regional integration break the neo colonial chain?
- Joan Nimarkoh, FAO

Thank you for bringing this sharp and insightful critique on aid. Samir rightly mentions that a critique of aid can only be conducted within the framework of political economy. However the political or the "imperial aspect" of aid is unspokenly ignored as to be 'ideological', and thus 'non-scientific'.
- Vikas Nath