Fish farming for nutrition
We are just setting up a fishfarm as part of our Household Food Security program for our members. Those who are affected by HIV/AIDS are the focus of this project as it will provide source of good nutrition and income generation for them. We will appreciate expert advice on ecologically viable methods for raising catfish sustainably. Please contact John Dada, Programs Director, Fantsuam Foundation ([email protected])
Fantsuam Foundation has done groundbreaking work in Nigeria that is having a big impact in BayanLoco, Kafanchan and the surrounding villages. FF was established as one of the first rural-based ICT educational institutions in Nigeria in 2000. That year, they were awarded the first Hafkin Africa Prize for their innovative use of ICT. Part of the prize money was set aside to provide scholarships for 10 women to attend basic computer literacy courses at the school. This modest beginning has led to the establishment, in 2003, of Nigeria's first rural-based Cisco Networking Academy. The Foundation's achievements have also been featured on CNN's Global Challenges Program (December 19th, 2004).