Neoliberalism: For whom?

I happened across some if your comments on neoliberalism. I am impressed. Not to be overly pedantic, but I do believe that much of it is in classical liberalism, as described by the late Karl Polanyi in 'The Great Transformation' [1944]; Boston, Beacon, 1957; 2nd edition Boston, Beacon, 2001. This also involved the great age of colonialism, and neoliberalism is nothing if not neocolonialism.

The structures of neoliberalism are uniformly and without exception established for the benefit of the metropoli, not for the benefit of the subject peoples. This is as true of IMF and World Bank structures (The Washington Consensus) as it was for the British Raj or neocolonial structures in Latin America. And in fact, with the popular perceptions of Globalism, the world in 1900 was probably more "globalist" than is our world one hundred years later. Best!