Nigeria is going to the polls to elect a president in less than one week. Understandably, there is a high level of apprehension, hence American President Barack Obama’s intervention in calling for a fair and peaceful election.
- Tagged under Governance Nigeria
The persistent turmoil and conflicts in African countries, and the fight we are trying to wage against poverty, poor leadership, corruption and a host of other problems on the Continent will still be long drawn until we sincerely decide to redraw Africa’s political map along the still enduring an
Tagged under GovernanceSometime ago the cultural department of Germany, Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes), unveiled its cultural exchange program for African countries with a budget of 2.091 million Euros. The budget will run from 2012 to 2015.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaChinua Achebe one of the most important pioneers in African literature and the advancement of world knowledge and understanding died on the 21 March, 2013 at 82. We join with millions of others around the world with a deep sense of loss to mourn Achebe’s passing.
Tagged under GovernanceIgbo ethnic people of Southeastern Nigeria number 50 million. They are predominantly Christian and believers in African Religion. The majority of the other Nigerians are Muslim. Culturally, religiously and ethnically the Nigerian society has remained incongruous and violently conflicted.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaIn his recent article, John Campbell writing about the Easter Day suicide bombing of a Christian church in the Nigerian city of Kaduna succeeded in disappointing some of us who have been following his write-ups on Nigerian affairs.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaIn recent times it has become a full-time job for some dubious and dishonest Nigerians to deny the Biafra Genocide, also known as Nigeria Genocide in Biafra. Some go to the ridiculous extent of saying that it never happened. Such ones are wishful thinkers.
Tagged under Human Security Nigeria
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