- Tagged under Governance
Tagged under Governance[Dr Pamela Caro is a director of the Program of Labor Citizenship with the Women’s Development Research Center (CEDEM), a Chilean non-governmental organization that supports peasant women in Latin America as they join the international feminist movement
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesGerardo Cerdas is coordinator of the Latin American- and Caribbean-wide social movement Grito de los Excluidos, Cry of the Excluded. He is also a sociologist and researcher. A native of Costa Rica, Cerdas lives in Brazil.
Tagged under Global South‘Screw the company trying to take our river, and the government. If I die, I’m going to die defending life.’ So said María Santos Dominguez, a member of the Indigenous Council of the Lenca community of Rio Blanco, Honduras.
Tagged under GovernanceSince the death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez on March 5, thousands of memorials have transpired across the Americas, from national ceremonies to village wakes.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Hugo Chavez, Internationalism, SocialismINTRODUCTION
Tagged under Global SouthINTRODUCTION
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesLast week, thousands of farmers and supporters of Haitian peasant agriculture marched for hours under the hot Caribbean sun to call for more government support for locally grown seeds and agriculture.
Tagged under ICT, Media & SecurityHaiti’s earthquake has left women and children highly vulnerable to rape and violence.
Tagged under Governance
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