Last month, a front-page Globearticle added to an abundance of evidence suggesting Paul Kagame’s Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) shot down the plane carrying President Juvénal Habyarimana, which sparked the mass killings of the spring of 1994.
- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Rwanda Rwanda
Left criticism of French imperialism in Africa provides a stark example. Incredibly, the primary contemporary criticism North American leftists make of French imperialism on that continent concerns a country it never colonised.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism West Africa FrançafriqueLast week, Roméo Dallaire attended a screening of “Rwanda — The Royal Tour” in Chicago.
Tagged under Human Security North America Lt. General Roméo DallaireCanadian commentators often claim more Tutsi were killed in the genocide than lived in Rwanda. Since it aligns with Washington, London and Kigali’s interests, as well as liberal nationalist Canadian ideology, the statistical inflation passes with little comment.
Tagged under Human SecurityIf you take a nation’s mineral resources do you have a moral responsibility to also accept its people?
Tagged under EconomicsAfter amending the constitution to be able to run indefinitely Paul Kagame recently won 98.63% of votes in Rwanda’s presidential election.
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceIn 1898 Henry Edward Clonard Keating led a small force that killed the chief of Hela and abducted several individuals from the village to operate canoes the soldiers had stolen from them.
Tagged under Pan-AfricanismWill the Canadian government continue to support Barrick Gold’s exploitation of mineral resources in Tanzania no matter what abuses the company commits?
While few Canadians could find Zambia on a map, the Great White North has significant influence over the southern African nation.
The dominant media almost exclusively covers stories that portray this country positively while ignoring or downplaying information that contradicts this narrative. The result? Canadians are ignorant and confused about their country’s role in the world.
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