Contemporary movements for African Resource Sovereignty
- Tagged under Opinion Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
Revolutionary “Madness”
Tagged under Democracy & Governance9 -10 April 2017, Clark University
Tagged under Announcements Clark University, Decolonizing communicative praxis.Hosted by Jimma University’s young and enthusiastic College of Law and Governance along with the Vice President’s Office of Research and Community Relations, this 5-day writing workshop brought 36 scholars from nine countries to Jimma, Ethiopia.
In recent weeks, news of food crises in countries across Africa has been intensifying. From the Democratic Republic of Congo all the way down to South Africa – via Malawi, Zimbabwe, Angola and many others – low rainfall has contributed to millions more being left vulnerable.
Tagged under Food & Health Burkina Faso food justice, Thomas SankaraThe African Institute for Agrarian Studies’ (AIAS) eighth annual Agrarian Summer School was held i
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns ZimbabweCameroonian gay rights activist Eric Ohena Lembembe wrote in his last blog post: ‘Unfortunately, a climate of hatred and bigotry in Cameroon, which extends to high levels in government, reassures homophobes that they can get away with these crimes.’ This July, his body was found in his home, cove
Tagged under GovernanceNovember 6, 2012 marked the 30th anniversary of Paul Biya’s presidency (1982 – 2012) in Cameroon.
Tagged under Governance CameroonI would like to situate my ideas within the geo-political context of the popular uprisings that continue to take place around the world as people organise against neoliberal policies of advanced capitalism and their resultant gross inequalities in wealth, health and education.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities