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March 1st - 28th, 2004 at FOSSREC, Accra, Ghana

This is a Train-the Trainers Programme with the objective of building high-end human capacity in Africa on Open Source and Web technologies to support the gradual integration of Free and Open Source Software into the continent as a whole. The focus of the training is in Open Source systems administration and network management, productivity solutions based on web and client/server technology and platform integration via TCP/IP, focusing on groups of sub-regional technology experts that can map out a strategy for Open Source solutions to benefit NGOs and Civil Society.

African Free and Open Source Software Training
March 1st - 28th, 2004 at FOSSREC, Accra, Ghana

This is a Train-the Trainers Programme with the objective of building
high-end human capacity in Africa on Open Source and Web technologies
to support the gradual integration of Free and Open Source Software
into the continent as a whole. The focus of the training is in Open
Source systems administration and network management, productivity
solutions based on web and client/server technology and platform
integration via TCP/IP. Focusing on groups of sub-regional technology
experts that can map out a strategy for Open Source solutions to
benefit NGOs and Civil Society

This practical training workshop will, for the first time, will help
advocate Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) across Africa.

This course aims to impart a sound knowledge of system administration
of Linux systems, train young men and women to become programmers.
Areas covered include user administration, storage and the file
system, network services (Web service, FTP, file sharing, LDAP, etc)
and security. On completion, attendees should have the skills and
resources required to manage a Linux-based server system with
minimal supervision. Visit for more information
or send an email to [email protected]

Deadline for applications is February 15th 2004. Please apply quickly
as space for attendance at this workshop is limited.

This event is organized by the Free and Open Source Software
Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA), and it is supported by the Open
Society Initiative Western Africa (OSIWA).

Gideon Hayford Chonia Tel. +41 1 635-4543
University Zurich, Fax +41 1 635-4505
Winterthurerstrasse 190 [email protected]
CH-8057 Zurich [email protected]