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Pambazuka News is participating in the World Social Forum () in Nairobi, Kenya from 20-25 January 2007. With its origins in a meeting of community organisations in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001, the WSF has grown to become an annual gathering of activists, social movements and progressive groups from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. Focusing on the global South, the quest to place social and environmental justice, international solidarity, peace and gender equality on the political and media agenda is at the heart of the initiative. This is the first such meeting to be held on the African continent, and tens of thousands are expected to attend.

Pambazuka News is proud to be collaborating with PANOS West Africa ( on media initiatives throughout the forum. These will include: articles, daily news bulletins, participatory video, online broadcasts, and electronic distribution of news and information. For the latest news, views, podcasts and blogs, please visit our dedicated WSF site at

Additionally, Fahamu will be hosting a delegation of African women's grassroots organisations, in collaboration with the New Field Foundation, and launching two new publications: Grace, tenacity and eloquence: the struggle for women’s rights in Africa (, published by Fahamu & Solidarity for African Women's Rights, and African Perspectives on China in Africa edited by Firoze Manji & Stephen Marks and published by Fahamu. (