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EDITORIAL: “We will wait here, we will die here. We have no other place to go.” Sudanese refugees are into the third week of a protest in Cairo, Egypt
COMMENT & ANALYSIS: Patrick Bond analyses the $500 million loan that caused all the trouble and the role of the IMF in Zimbabwe
- Chenjerai Hove on the Zimbawean Senate elections and the crisis in the MDC
- Ligali, the African British Equality Authority, on how Live 8 showed that the solutions to Africa’s problems lie with Africans
- Good cop, bad cop: Questions and Answers on policing in Africa
LETTERS: News about the good professor and thanks to Pambazuka News
PAN-AFRICAN POSTCARD: Issa Shivji examines new forms of land dispossession
BLOGGING AFRICA: Find out about Africa Unchained, Sleepless in Sudan and What an African Women Thinks
GLOBAL CALL TO ACTION AGAINST POVERTY: Part two of a Pambazuka Profile on the road to Hong Kong; GCAP meeting to consolidate the future
CONFLICTS & EMERGENCIES: DRC: 'As many as 1,000 people a day still die from war-related causes'
HUMAN RIGHTS: Civil society member attacked in Ethiopia
ELECTIONS: Liberia elections go to the second round; MDC split over Senate vote
WOMEN & GENDER: Part two of a Pambazuka profile on The Protocol on the Rights of Women and refugees
DEVELOPMENT: Millions go hungry on world food day; Social forum declares another Zimbabwe is possible
HIV/AIDS: HIV/AIDS, democracy and governance
EDUCATION: Is private education good for the poor?
MEDIA: On eve of Tunis information summit, UN rights expert calls for prisoner release
AND…Advocacy, Internet, Jobs, e-newsletters, Courses and Books & Art